Newborn Sleep Shaping Call and Survival Guide


Best for children ages 0-12 weeks

Learn more about what to expect in the first 12 weeks of your baby’s life and how to set the foundations for healthy infant sleep. Learn sleep shaping strategies, how and when to build routines, feeding tips and tools to smoothly transition back to work and into a daycare setting.

Once purchased, I'll send you a detailed intake and evaluation form to complete and ask you to book a time for our one-on-one call using my convenient scheduling tool. I'll then also send you a copy of my coveted Newborn Sleep Survival Guide to help you feel confident in navigating the newborn stage.


Best for children ages 0-12 weeks

Learn more about what to expect in the first 12 weeks of your baby’s life and how to set the foundations for healthy infant sleep. Learn sleep shaping strategies, how and when to build routines, feeding tips and tools to smoothly transition back to work and into a daycare setting.

Once purchased, I'll send you a detailed intake and evaluation form to complete and ask you to book a time for our one-on-one call using my convenient scheduling tool. I'll then also send you a copy of my coveted Newborn Sleep Survival Guide to help you feel confident in navigating the newborn stage.

Best for children ages 0-12 weeks

Learn more about what to expect in the first 12 weeks of your baby’s life and how to set the foundations for healthy infant sleep. Learn sleep shaping strategies, how and when to build routines, feeding tips and tools to smoothly transition back to work and into a daycare setting.

Once purchased, I'll send you a detailed intake and evaluation form to complete and ask you to book a time for our one-on-one call using my convenient scheduling tool. I'll then also send you a copy of my coveted Newborn Sleep Survival Guide to help you feel confident in navigating the newborn stage.