The REMedy Sleep Blog

Things No One Tells You About Newborn Sleep
Besides the usual, “Get sleep while you can!” or “Sleep when the baby sleeps!” or “You’ll never sleep again!” there isn’t much that people tell you upfront about newborns - and specifically - newborn sleep. I’ll let you in on a few things no one told me as a first time mom…

Top 5 Things Parents Need to Know about Newborn Sleep
Caring for a newborn is not for the faint of heart. When I gave birth to my first son, I left the corporate world of project management and got promoted to the most challenging (yet rewarding) project management position there is – motherhood. Here's the good news! I’ve spent countless hours in the middle of the night figuring this all out so you don’t have to! Armored with a little bit of knowledge and some support from someone who gets it we can do this motherhood thing. Here are my top five things I’ve learned about infant sleep over the years.

I have the disease to please. Do you?
Today, I want to be vulnerable, share my truth and talk about boundaries. I’ve been reading (ahem…listening) to a book titled “Boundary Boss” by Dr. Terri Cole and it’s been truly eye opening. One quote hit me like a ton of bricks… “You teach best what you most need to learn.” I talk to parents all the time about how to lovingly set boundaries with their children when it comes to sleep. Yet, I have struggled my entire life with setting personal boundaries with people around me. I have the disease to please…do you?

My career as a stay-at-home mom
In August, 2016 I gave birth to my first baby and submitted my letter of resignation after almost 10 years working for a global non-profit organization. My professional title went from “Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships” to “Stay-at-Home Mom” (SAHM) and I never looked back. I had a new career! Vice President of Marion Household, LLC. I reported to the President of the company, Mr. Michael Robert Marion and he was 8lbs, 4oz of no nonsense deliciousness.

Breastfeeding: A love hate relationship
I'm breastfeeding my baby right now. I was breastfeeding him an hour ago. And I'll be breastfeeding him again in another hour, or maybe even 20 minutes. Feeding him seems absolutely endless, but I love breastfeeding…and I hate it.

All hail to the nap
My son is now almost five months old and my life revolves around THE NAP. When he was younger I could get him to nap anywhere! We were still on a nap schedule, taking four naps before 5pm, but I would schedule the naps around my life.

I am the milk boss
My breastfeeding journey has been just that…a journey. Within the first hour of Michael’s birth, he latched on to my breast and wounded me. It was painful to say the least. I thought all the pain had ended after he came out! I wanted to breastfeed, but this hurt! “It gets better,” everyone said. But when?